About Text Global:
Text Global excels in delivering top-tier SMS solutions for enterprises via its expansive online platform, REST API integration, and a plethora of e-commerce plugins. This equips numerous businesses with the necessary tools and know-how for amplified effectiveness in SMS text messaging communication. Text Global's service is devoid of contracts, setup charges, or extended commitments, and even incorporates a cost-free trial coupled with strategic planning at zero extra expense. With SMS text credit pricing varying from 1.9p to 3.5p, influenced by volume, Text Global emerges as one of the most economical contenders in the sector. For organisations requiring bulk message dissemination, additional discounted enterprise pricing is accessible, both domestically within the UK and overseas. Text Global's clientele extends across a broad spectrum, encompassing small to medium enterprises and sizeable blue-chip corporations. The Text Global team boasts unmatched proficiency in ICO compliance and crafting strategies customised to achieve specific objectives, such as revenue generation, sales growth, customer retention enhancement, or customer service improvement. Companies shifting to Text Global typically realise three primary advantages: – Reduction in costs by up to 50% – Improved response rates due to fine-tuned strategy planning – Superior service rendered through dedicated tech support and the simplicity of procuring SMS text credits.
Text Global's Services:
Text Global's Industry Specialisms:
Post Feed:
Text Global Overview:
Ownership Model:
Independent Agency
Chowley Oak, Chowley One, Business Park
11-50 Employees
Contact Number:
0 1244 820025